Do you wish for your garden to have a serene, relaxing effect? Water is known for its therapeutic properties – lowering blood pressure and heart rate, but reducing stress and inducing relaxation as well. Just imagine having a cup of tea after a long and stressful day, in your garden, by a tranquil pond emanating gentle fragrance.
Why not introduce water features into your garden and implement some beautiful flora in it?
Water features in the garden broaden the range of plants a gardener can grow. Whether it’s a pond, a lake or a fountain, the water expands its sound, colour, life and reflective qualities all over the garden, creating a tranquil environment.
Waterlilies are a beloved aquatic plant that boast a lengthy flowering season, suitable for both formal and informal garden designs. With over 400 varieties varying in colour, size and shape, there is an ideal option for anyone seeking to appreciate their beauty.
Recommended cultivars

Waterlily called Attraction is easy to find in nurseries and we appreciate it for its beauty as well as its characteristics. This cultivar is excellent for medium-sized water gardens because it spreads quickly and produces large, sweet-scented, pink flowers. Other cultivars with pink flowers, such as Lily Pons, Pink Sensation and Rose Arey are interesting, too. Dark Princess is a distinguished and memorable cultivar that produces exquisite dark pink to almost red flowers perfect for medium-sized ponds.
If you’re looking to introduce yellow flowers to your pond, Marliacea Chromatella is a great option. It’s an old breed with fragrant flowers that work well for more extensive ponds. Another waterlily cultivar which requires more space is Sunny Pink, its sunset-coloured flowers being a true breathtaking feature. With equal beauty, the pink Carolina Perfecta for white N. odorata var. minor are perfect for smaller or medium-sized ponds.
When there is not enough space for a pond
If you don’t have enough space in your garden for a pond, don’t worry – you can still enjoy the beauty of waterlilies. You can grow pygmy water lilies in large bowls or containers. These plants require a minimum depth of only 30 cm (12in) and at least six hours of sunshine daily. You can choose from different colours such as pale yellow Pygmaea Helvola, red Pygmaea Rubra or pink Joanne Pring and Aurora.
Planting tips
If you’re planting waterlilies, using pond baskets with small holes instead of regular pots is better. These baskets are also an excellent option for other submerged water plants. To avoid encouraging algae growth, fill the basket with aquatic compost instead of garden soil.

Once you’ve placed the waterlily in the basket and mulched it with clean gravel, the surface will stabilise once submerged. Replicating and dividing waterlilies every two to three years is a good practice, as they can become invasive.
If you still have doubts about water features, different kinds of waterlilies or about your garden in general, we are here to help – just contact us with your questions and we will get back to you as soon as possible!